st paul’s street

The refurbishment and redevelopment at 8 St Paul’s Street will see an underutilised existing office building transformed into a new Grade A office space. Situated within Leeds city centre, the office building will become the new head offices for W Denis, a national insurance broker. The scheme was submitted for planning in June 2023.

Team: Neil Brown, Rob Miller

  • W Denis were seeking to move back into the city centre, close to where the business started in 1963, brown + company were approached to transform a 1960s office building into their new head office. Environmental conditions and providing a sustainable and visually impressive office building.

  • Analysis of the existing building demonstrated the existing building was failing. The striking Portland cladding showed defects, meaning it was unsafe if left in the current state. Daylight analysis of the internal spaces also showed inadequate levels of daylight office space, meaning the building was unable to contend in the Leeds office market. Therefore, the decision was made to explore refacing the existing building.

  • The development proposals introduce extensions to the existing roof and to the rear of the building, increasing the office space by 30% as well providing valuable external amenity through the introduction of rooftop terrace

    St Paul’s Street is located within Leeds city centre conservation area and is reflective of the city’s industrial heritage, with several impressive warehouses located on the street. The façade design was influenced by the warehouse typology creating a strong vertical emphasis through the introduction of brick piers. Incorporation of GRC detailing sought to provide a richness and visual interest to the façade, which will constantly change as the shadows moves across the main south facing elevation.