st peter’s school

St Peter’s School is one of the oldest schools in the world, dating back to 627 AD, the school has a proud, 1400 year association with York Minster and the City of York.

St Peter’s School is transitioning from a three school to two school model with the change due for implementation in September 2025.

Planning applications for the initial phases were submitted in late 2023 with permission granted in May 2024. Work on site will commence in summer 2024.

Design works are ongoing, for updates refer to the latest section of the website.

Team: Toby Harling, Emma Croyle, Didem Hatton, Rachel Crooks

  • The brief is to facilitate the transition from a three school to two school model with the physical development of the site being conceived to underpin and enable the key aims of the client’s vision which are to:

    • Provide an outstanding educational experience that is demonstrably better than that currently offered.

    • Blend greater coherence in experience and educational philosophy with deliberately emphasised points of difference and distinction to create a purposeful and exciting pathway for all pupils.

    • Approach personnel and resources with care and thought to ensure that the guiding factors of maximal efficiency and delivery of a premium educational experience are held in appropriate balance.

  • One of the key considerations for the scheme is to balance the ongoing requirements of the school with the future uses and configuration. As such work has been phased over two years with initial works on site due to start in early summer 2024.

  • The initial works presented here deal with the enhancement of the dining offer and refurbishment of a 1960s classroom block.

    Dining Halls, Main School and Clifton Dining Room:

    The main dining hall in the Main school will be comprehensively refurbished to improve the catering offer. brown + company worked alongside Koncept Interiors and external consultants to provide a new dining experence which respects and responds to the listed Main School Building. The Clifton Dining room will be extended to provide a dedicated bakery to serve the whole school from 2024. In 2025 further works will be undertaken to convert the dining area and outside space from junior school use to 6th form use.

    Science Block at St Olaves:

    The 1960’s cladding will be removed and replaced with high performance rainscreen cladding. The new cladding will reinvigorate this part of the school and will improve the thermal performance of these classrooms. The works in 2024 will act as a catalyst for further works to the future junior school planned for 2025.