the tiltworks

Working collaboratively with our partner Leach Rhodes Walker to deliver this 284 bed build to rent apartment scheme. This development completed the Well Meadow Street regeneration of Sheffield, delivering high quality apartments, commercial and amenity spaces with green roofs and rooftop garden spaces for residents.

Team: Stephen Clewes, Martin Burrows (LRW), Craig Kay (LRW)

  • To complete the Well Meadow Street portion of the local masterplan, with a high quality build to rent development offering enhanced amenity facilities and providing a landmark building along the busy commuter route of Netherthorpe Road.

  • The scheme was required to sit seamlessly within the surrounding area, defined by back of pavement warehouse style buildings sitting within a Conservation Area and surrounded by Grade II* listed metal works buildings.

  • Designed to enhance the character of the surrounding area using complimentary materials, consistent fenestration patterns and replicating the historic street pattern to re-instate the urban fabric of the area. The two development blocks echo back edge of footpath footprints and restore the lost public ‘Jericho Square’, bring contemporary design forward in a sympathetic manner.